§ 1. Freeha Public Association.
The "Freeha" Public Association (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) is a type of public association that unites individuals, in conformity with the procedure prescribed by law, on the basis of the commonness of their interests in order to satisfy their non-religious and other non-material needs, protect their own or others' rights, interests and implement other generally useful activities of citizens of the Republic of Armenia, citizens of foreign states, and stateless persons.
§ 2. Status of the Organization.
The Organization has the status of a non-profit (non-commercial) organization.
§ 3. The Principles of the Organization.
The principles of the Organization's activities are legality, non-discrimination, integrity, common interests of members, voluntary membership, self-governance, and accountability.
§ 4. Legal Basis.
The Organization acts on the basis of the Constitution of Armenia, other legislation, international treaties of Armenia, and this Charter. The Organization operates throughout the territory of Armenia and in foreign countries in accordance with the legislation of those countries.
§ 5. The name of the Organization.
The name of the Organization in Armenian is Ֆրիհա հասարակական կազմակերպություն. The short name of the organization in Armenian is Ֆրիհա ՀԿ. The abbreviation of the organization in Armenian is ՖՀԿ
The name of the Organization in English is Freeha Public Association. The short name of the Organization in English is Freeha PA. The abbreviation of the Organization in English is FPA.
§ 6. The symbol of the Organization.
The Organization has a symbol. The symbol of the Organization is attached in Annex 1, and is a tree trunk in a brown color resembling the shape of a human and 7 leaves in colors of red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, and purple.
§ 7. The location of the Organization.
The location of the Organization is Armenia, 0056 Yerevan, Fridtjof Nansen Street Lane 2-51, email address:
§ 8. Hierarchy of the Organization.
The Assembly is the highest governing body of the Organization and has the authority to override any decisions made by other bodies, including the National and Regional Boards.
The National Board serves as the highest executive body and has the authority to override decisions made by Regional Boards.
Regional Boards do not have authority over each other, and their decisions apply exclusively to their region and the members registered therein. Regional Boards cannot override decisions made by other Regional Boards.
§ 9. The aims and objectives.
The aims and objectives of the Organization's activities are as follows:
1) Contribute to the development of young people at the individual level by means of skills development, theoretical and practical trainings, and other activities;
2) Enlightenment the target audience on issues and concepts of democracy;
3) Promote awareness of human rights concepts and the need to defend them;
4) Provide a safe platform to express values of solidarity, freedom, equality, democracy, and social justice;
5) Strive to provide and promote informal enlightenment, as well as promote the comprehensive development of leadership qualities and active citizenship among its members.
§ 10. Values of the Organization.
The values of the Organization are:
1) Social Justice;
2) Gender Equality;
3) Human Rights;
4) Democracy;
5) Non-violence.
§ 11. Cooperation with other bodies.
To achieve its goals and tasks, the Organization cooperates with state and local self-government bodies, international and foreign public organizations and associations, and other organizations registered in the Republic of Armenia and foreign countries.
§ 12. The right to engage in entrepreneurial activities.
The Organization has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the objectives outlined in this Charter, dispose of its property and the results of its activities for these purposes, establish a commercial organization, or become its participant in accordance with the law.
§ 13. Membership in the Organization.
Any individual over the age of 18 who accepts the objectives and the values determined by this Charter and wishes to participate in its activities can become a member of the Organization.
§ 14. Admission of new members to the Organization.
An individual wishing to become a member of the Organization (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant) applies to the Regional Board of the Organization.
Within thirty days, the Regional Board makes a decision to grant the Applicant the status of "Observer in the Organization" (hereinafter referred to as the Observer) and hands over the information about the application to the National Board.
The Regional Board of the Organization, when making a decision to grant the status of an Observer, is guided by this Charter and other local acts of the Organization regulating membership and considers the Applicant's alignment with the values of the Organization.
The question of admission to the Organization's members is decided by the Regional Board based on this Charter and other acts no later than 3 months after the Applicant is granted the status of an Observer.
The Observer has the right to withdraw their membership application. In that case, the same person is not allowed to reapply for a period of 6 months after withdrawing their application.
§ 15. Exclusion from members.
Exclusion from members of the Organization can be voluntary and involuntary.
A member of the Organization has the right to withdraw from the Organization at any time. In that case, the member of the Organization applies for withdrawal from members to the Regional Board where they are registered, and in cases when it is not possible, a member applies to the National Board.
§ 16. Disciplinary measurements against members.
In case of violation of the Organization's statutory requirements or failure to fulfill the duties assigned to a member by the decisions of the Organization's bodies, the National Board of the Organization has the right to apply disciplinary measures to the member or Observers in the form of a reprimand or involuntary exclusion from the Organization's members or Observers.
§ 17. Membership registry.
The National Board shall keep an up-to-date registry of all members and Observers in the Organization.
The Regional Boards shall keep information of all members and Observers in their regions and provide the National Board with the information in case of changes in their registry and upon requests from the National Board within a reasonable time frame.
§ 18. Membership fees.
The Organization may collect membership fees.
The decision to start or stop collecting membership fees, as well as increase or decrease them, is made by the National Board of the Organization.
If the decision to collect membership fees is implemented, they are paid on a monthly basis, exclusively by non-cash means of payment to the bank account of the Organization.
The decision to increase and decrease membership fees shall enter into force no earlier than 30 calendar days after its conclusion. The counting starts on the day following after the day when the protocol of the National Board is signed by the Chairperson of the National Board and the Secretary of the National Board.
§ 19. Reduction and waiver of membership fees.
Membership fees can be waived or reduced for a particular member of the Organization by the decision of the National Board if the member is having financial difficulties and can not afford membership fees but wishes to stay a member of the Organization. In that case, the member notifies the National Board, which shall, in its turn, within a reasonable time frame, discuss and vote on the matter. The National Board shall be guided by the interests of the Organization and exclude any discriminatory practices while voting.
The decision on waiving or reducing the membership fees is valid for at least 1 month and at most 12 months, after which the member is obliged to pay membership fees again.
§ 20. Rights of the members.
A member of the Organization has the right to:
1) Elect and be elected to the governing and executive bodies of the Organization;
2) Use the services of the Organization free of charge;
3) Familiarize themselves with the protocols of the Organization's bodies and obtain copies of their decisions;
4) Appeal the decisions of the Organization's bodies in a higher or judicial order.
5) Request information from the Organization, obtain copies of documents regarding changes to the Organization's Charter, protocols, decisions of the Organization's bodies, funds received from property management, as well as copies of the independent auditor's report on the audit of financial activities for the last 3 years;
6) Choose and change the regional division of the organization for their membership application if there is more than 1 active regional division in the Organization;
7) Form a new regional division together with other members of the Organization in the manner outlined in this Charter.
8) To be present at all meetings of The Assembly, National and Regional Boards, and Regional Conferences if the physical location can accommodate all participants safely.
9) To request a hearing before the decision to reprimand or involuntarily exclude them from the Organization is made;
10) Exercise other rights established by law, this Charter, and other local acts of the Organization.
§ 21. Obligations of members.
A member of the Organization is obliged to:
1) Comply with the statutory requirements of the Organization and decisions of the governing bodies;
2) Fulfill the duties assigned to them by the decisions of the governing bodies;
3) Be guided by the values of the Organization.
§ 22. Rights and obligations of the Observers.
An Observer has the same rights and obligations as a member of the Organization, except for the right to elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Organization and to vote at the Assembly and Regional Conferences.
§ 23. The Assembly.
The Assembly is the highest governing body of the Organization and consists of members of the Organization who are elected to be delegates at the Regional Conferences and have the right to make a final decision on any matter related to Organizational activities.
The maximum number of delegates at the Assembly is 21. For the Assembly to be authorized, at least 11 delegates shall be present in the Assembly. If the number of members in the Organization does not exceed 21 members, then at least 50% of the members of the Organization shall be present as delegates.
The Assembly is authorized if it is convened in accordance with the legislation and this Charter. At the Assembly, decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the Assembly Delegates if other is not outlined in this Charter.
The protocol of the Assembly is signed by the Chairperson of the Assembly and the Secretary of the meeting. The protocol is kept for at least 5 years, and its scanned electronic copy is stored indefinitely.
Decisions of the Assembly shall enter into force no earlier than 5 working days after its completion. The counting of time begins from the day following after the day of signing the protocol of the Assembly by the Chairperson of the Assembly and the Secretary of the Assembly.
The Assembly can be Regular and Extraordinary.
§ 24. The Regular Assembly.
The regular Assembly is convened once every 2 years by the National Board in the form of a joint meeting or remotely, using means of telecommunication, with the preparation of the corresponding protocol. The Chairperson of the National Board makes a decision on the date, time, and place of the Assembly, as well as a preliminary version of its agenda, and notifies the members and structures of the Organization no later than 20 days by registered email or using other means of communication.
The Regular Assembly can be elective and non-elective, with the two formats alternating based on the previous Assembly. Both the elective and non-elective Assemblies perform the same functions, with the exception that an elective Assembly is also responsible for electing the Chairperson of the National Board.
During a non-elective Assembly, the Assembly retains the right to initiate a vote to replace the Chairperson of the National Board in case of violation of the Charter, misuse of funds, or poor performance.
§ 25. The Extraordinary Assembly.
An extraordinary Assembly is convened by the National Board upon the initiative of at least 1/3 of the members of the Organization. It is convened no later than 5 days after the aforementioned initiative is put forward. Participants of the Assembly are notified of the time and place of the extraordinary meeting at least 5 days prior to the day of the meeting.
§ 26. Formula for seat allocation at the Assembly.
The formula for allocating seats is as follows: 1 seat is reserved for the acting Chairperson of the National Board. The rest of the 20 seats are allocated proportionally to the percentage of the Organization’s total members in the regions. If the number of seats includes a decimal of 0.4 or less, the number of seats will be rounded down. (e.g., 50.5% of members equal to 10.1 seats, and therefore would be rounded down, and 10 seats will be allocated). If the decimal is 0.5 seats or more, the number of seats will be rounded up. (e.g., 49.5% of members equal to 9.9 seats, which would be rounded up, and therefore 10 seats will be allocated).
Members who are accepted to the Organization on the same day or after the National Board has announced the convention of the Assembly are not taken into formula calculations for the announced Assembly.
§ 27. Election of the Assembly Delegates.
Each region where the Organization is represented by a Regional Board has the right to elect delegates to the Assembly at the Regional Conference in accordance with the procedure outlined in this Charter.
§ 28. Membership Immunity of the Assembly Delegates.
The delegates of the Assembly have membership immunity before and during the Assembly and, therefore, can not be forcibly excluded from the Organization.
The membership immunity ceased to exist the day following after the day of signing the protocol of the Assembly by the Chairperson of the Assembly and the Secretary of the Assembly.
If the preliminary version of the agenda of the Assembly includes an item about disciplinary measurement against a member of the Organization, that member can not be elected as the Assembly delegate by the Regional Conference. If the item of the disciplinary actions was added after the the Regional Conference elected the delegate with the conflic of interest, than that particular member has no right in participating in the vote.
§ 29. The exclusive competence of the Assembly.
The exclusive competence of the Assembly includes:
1) Approving of changes, additions, or new editions to the Charter of the Organization;
2) Making decision on the creation of another legal entity;
3) Making decision on the creation of separate units or institutions of the Organization, except for Regional Divisions, and approval of their charters;
4) Approving of the structure of the Organization;
5) Electing and changing of the Chairperson of the National Board;
6) Determination of the order and conditions of remuneration for the Chairperson of the National Board;
7) Selecting a person or legal entity to carry out the audit of the Organization;
8) Approval of the Organization's strategy;
9) Approval of the annual reports on the activities of the Organization, approved by the executive body once every 2 years during the years preceding the convocation of the Assembly;
10) Suspending of the decisions of the Organization's bodies that contradict the requirements of legal acts and the Charter;
11) Making decision on the reorganization of the Organization;
12) Making decision on the liquidation of the Organization (except for cases of liquidation by a court decision);
13) Exercising other powers provided by legislation and this Charter.
§ 30. The National Board.
The National Board is the executive body of the Organization and consists of Chairpersons of all Regional Boards and the Chairperson of the National Board.
The National Board’s responsibilities include all matters related to the management of the current activities of the Organization, as well as ensuring the functioning of the governing bodies of the Organization.
Decisions of the National Board shall enter into force no earlier than 5 working days after its completion. The counting of time begins from the day following after the day of signing the protocol of the meeting by the Chairperson of the National Board.
§ 31. Meetings of the National Board.
Regular meetings of the National Board are convened once every month by the Chairperson of the National Board in the form of a joint meeting or remotely, using means of telecommunication, with the preparation of the corresponding protocol. The Chairperson of the National Board makes a decision on the date, time, and place of the meeting, as well as a preliminary version of its agenda, and notifies the members and structures of the Organization no later than 10 days by registered email, or using other means of communication.
An extraordinary meeting of the National Board is convened by the Chairperson of the National Board upon their initiative. The members and structures of the Organization are notified of the time and place of the extraordinary meeting at least 5 days prior to the day of the meeting.
The National Board meeting is authorized if it is convened in accordance with the Charter of the Organization and at least 50% of the National Board’s members present at the meeting. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the National Board members present. The protocol of the National Board’s meeting is signed by the Chairperson of the National Board and the Secretary of the meeting. The protocol is kept for at least 5 years, and its scanned electronic copy is stored indefinitely.
§ 32. Functions of the National Board.
In accordance with the Charter of the Organization and the decisions of the Assembly, the National Board:
1) Ensures the implementation of the decisions of the Assembly;
2) Issues orders and directives, gives mandatory instructions, and monitors their implementation;
3) Approves internal documents regulating the activities of the Organization, including rules of internal procedure and other rules of its separate units and institutions;
4) Approves the annual budget of the Organization;
5) Approves the reports of the Organization and its bodies;
6) Approves annual reports on the activities of the Organization for the years preceding the convocation of the Assembly, which are submitted to the approval of the Assembly once every 2 years;
7) Managing the property of the Organization of any type and size, including financial resources, and concluding transactions on behalf of the Organization;
8) Exercises other powers established by law and this Charter.
§ 33. Chairperson of the National Board.
The Chairperson of the National Board is elected by the Assembly for a term of 4 years and manages the day-to-day activities of the Organization, presides over the meetings of the National Board, and, in the cases outlined in this Charter, also the meetings of the Regional Boards.
The Chairperson of the National Board is considered the head of the Organization and acts on behalf of the Organization without poweragentstorney and is legally responsible for non-compliance or improper performance of the requirements of laws, other legal acts, the Charter of the Organization, decisions of the Assembly, or concluded contracts.
In accordance with the Charter of the Organization and the decisions of the Assembly, the Chairperson of the National Board is:
1) Representing the Organization in the Republic of Armenia and foreign countries;
2) Approving the staffing schedule;
3) Issuing powers of attorney;
4) Concluding contracts;
5) Opening bank accounts (including in foreign currency) and other accounts of the Organization in banks;
6) Exercising other powers established by this Charter and the law as the head of the Organization.
§ 34. Right to veto the Decisions.
The Chairperson of the National Board has the right to veto a decision made by a National or Regional Board if they believe that the decision might have unwanted legal consequences against the Organization or contradict the decisions of the Assembly. In that case, the whole decision or part of it is put on hold until legal consultation can be given to the National Board. Legal consultation shall be received in a reasonable time. If the results of the consultation determined that the decision or a specific part of it does not contradict the legislation, this Charter, or the decisions of the Assembly, the veto is considered overruled, and the decision of the respective board enters into force in accordance with the procedure established by the law and the Charter.
§ 35. The Regional Conference.
The Regional Conference is a Electing Body of the Organization in the Regional Division, also referred to in this Charter as Region, which elects Regional Board members and Assembly Delegates, and consists of members of the Organization in that specific region.
The Regional Conference is authorized if it is convened in accordance with this Charter with the presence of at least 50% of the members of the Organization in the Region. At the Regional Conference, decisions are made by a simple majority of votes from the members of the Organization in the region.
The protocol of the Regional Conference is signed by the Chairperson of the meeting and the Secretary of the meeting. The protocol is kept for at least 5 years, and its scanned electronic copy is stored indefinitely.
The Regional Conference can be regular and extraordinary.
§ 36. Regular Regional Conference.
The regular Regional Conference is convened once every year by the Chairperson of the Regional Board or Chairperson of the National Board in the form of a joint meeting or remotely, using means of telecommunication, with the preparation of the corresponding protocol. The Chairperson of the Regional Board makes a decision on the date, time, and place of the meeting, as well as a preliminary version of its agenda, and notifies the members and structures of the Organization no later than 20 days by registered email, or using other means of communication.
§ 37. Extraordinary Regional Conference.
An Extraordinary Regional Conference is convened by the Chairperson of the Regional or National Board upon the initiative of at least 1/3 of the members of the Organization in the region. It is convened no later than 5 days after the aforementioned initiative is put forward. Participants of the Regional Conference are notified of the time and place of the extraordinary meeting at least 5 days prior to the day of the meeting.
§ 38. The exclusive competence of the Regional Conference.
The exclusive competence of the Regional Conference includes:
1) Electing and changing the Chairperson of the Regional Board;
2) Electing and changing the Board members of the Regional Board;
3) Electing delegates to the Assembly;
4) Exercising other powers provided by the Charter.
§ 39. Establishment of new regional divisions.
A new regional division can be established only after the National Board receives a notification from at least 10 members of the Organization willing to form a new regional division of the Organization. If the National Board has voted in favor, the members of the Organization have the right to convene a Regional Conference.
The regional divisions can be created in the following Marz’s of Armenia, only 1 per Marz:
1) Aragatsotn;
2) Ararat;
3) Armavir;
4) Gegharkunik;
5) Kotayk;
6) Lori;
7) Shirak;
8) Syunik;
9) Tavush;
10) Vayots Dzor.
The first Regional Conference in the region is convened by the Chairperson of the National Board in the form of a joint meeting or remotely, using means of telecommunication, with the preparation of the corresponding protocol. The Chairperson of the National Board makes a decision on the date, time, and place of the Regional Conference, as well as a preliminary version of its agenda, and notifies the members and structures of the Organization no later than 20 days by registered mail, email, or using other means of communication.
The first Regional Conference in the region shall have at least 5 members of the Organization willing to form a separate regional division of the Organization. They shall elect at least 3 members of the Regional Board, including the Chairperson of the Regional Board, after which the elected Regional Board’s Chairperson shall hand over the Protocol of the Conference to the National Board. The National Board, in its turn, shall approve the establishment of the regional division and the Regional Board members, as well as approve the Chairperson of the Regional Board as a new member of the National Board.
§ 40. Liquidation of regional divisions.
The regional division can be liquidated by the decision of the National Board in the following cases:
1) The Regional Board of the region does not exist, and the Regional Conference failed to elect new members of the Regional Board;
2) The number of members in the region less than 2 members;
3) The Organization can not continue its activities in the region due to natural disasters;
4) The Organization does not have financial means to upkeep and/or continue activities in the region.
If the regional division is liquidated, the members of the Organization may choose to change the regional division of their membership or withdraw from the Organization.
§ 41. The Yerevan Regional Division.
The Yerevan Regional Division is established with the Organization and can be liquidated only with the Organization.
§ 42. The Regional Boards.
The Regional Boards are the executive representation of the National Board in the regional division where they are established and consist of at least 1 member of the Regional Board and the Chairperson of the Regional Board. The maximum amount of members in the Regional Board is 11 – 10 members of the Board and 1 Chairperson of the Regional Board.
No more than 1 Regional Board can be established in the Regions specified in §39 of this Charter and in Yerevan.
The Regional Board's report to the National Boards. Their responsibilities include all matters related to the management of the current activities of the Organization in a specific region where they are presented.
Decisions of the Regional Board shall enter into force no earlier than 5 working days after its completion. The counting of time begins on the day following after the day of signing the protocol of the meeting by the Chairperson of the Regional Board and the Secretary of the Regional Board.
Members of the Regional Boards can not change the regional division of their membership unless they withdraw from their duty in the Regional Board.
§ 43. The meetings of the Regional Boards.
Regular meetings of the Regional Board are convened once every month by the Chairperson of the Regional Board in the form of a joint meeting or remotely, using means of telecommunication, with the preparation of the corresponding protocol. The Chairperson of the Regional Board makes a decision on the date, time, and place of the meeting, as well as a preliminary version of its agenda, and notifies the members and structures of the Organization no later than 10 days by registered email, or using other means of communication.
An extraordinary meeting of the Regional Board is convened by the Chairperson of the Regional or National Board upon the initiative of at least one-third of the members of the Organization in that region. It is convened no later than 5 days after the aforementioned initiative is put forward. Participants of the meeting are notified of the time and place of the extraordinary meeting at least 5 days prior to the day of the meeting.
The Regional Board meeting is authorized if it is convened in accordance with the Charter of the Organization and at least 50% of the Regional Board’s members are present at the meeting. The decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Regional Board present. The protocol of the meeting is signed by the Chairperson of the Regional Board and the Secretary of the meeting. The protocol is kept for at least 5 years, and its scanned electronic copy is stored indefinitely.
§ 44. Functions of the Regional Boards.
In accordance with the Charter of the Organization and the decisions of the Assembly, the Regional Board:
1) Ensures the implementation of the decisions of the Assembly and the National Board;
2) Issues orders, directives, and gives mandatory instructions which do not contradict decisions of the National Board, and are restricted to the region where they operate, and monitors their implementation;
3) Approves the annual budget of the Organization in the region;
4) Accepts members into the Organization and excludes members from the Organization;
5) Managing the property of the Organization in the region, including financial resources with National Board’s authorization.
6) Exercise other power outlined in this Charter.
§ 45. The Chairperson of the Regional Board.
The Chairperson of the Regional Board is elected by the Regional Conference for a term of 1 year. The Chairperson of the Regional Board manages the day-to-day activities of the Organization in the region without the right to conclude contracts on behalf of the Organization.
The Chairperson of the Regional Board can not be the Chairperson of the National Board at the same time.
In accordance with the Charter of the Organization and the decisions of the Assembly, the Chairpersons of the Regional Boards are:
1) Representing the Organization in the Republic of Armenia;
2) Presiding over the meetings of their Regional Boards;
3) Members of the National Board.
§ 46. General Principles of Conflict Resolution.
All conflicts within the Organization shall be resolved in a manner that upholds fairness, impartiality, transparency, and confidentiality. Conflicts between members and the bodies of the Organization are addressed through the process outlined in this Charter.
All proceedings, including communications, evidence presented, and decisions, shall be documented. Records shall be kept securely and confidentially for a minimum of five years, with access restricted to parties involved and authorized organizational bodies.
Retaliation against any member or Observer for participating in the conflict resolution process is strictly prohibited. Allegations of retaliation shall be investigated promptly and may result in disciplinary action.
All governing and executive bodies of the Organization must adhere to this Charter while making decisions, and in cases of ambiguity or dispute regarding the interpretation of this Charter, the Assembly's interpretation shall prevail. In case the matter is not regulated by this Charter, the bodies must go from the best interests of the Organization.
If an appeal or disciplinary action is brought before the Assembly, an extraordinary Assembly may be convened following procedures outlined in this Charter. If an extraordinary Assembly is not or can not be convened, the hearing takes place at the next ordinary Assembly. The decision of the Assembly is final and binding and can only be appealed in a judicial order.
Applications and appeals addressed to the Assembly are handed over to the Chairperson of the National Board, who includes them in the agenda for the next Assembly.
§ 47. Conflict resolution procedure.
Conflicts between members and organizational bodies are resolved by submitting a written complaint to the body in question, outlining the specific issues and desired resolution. The body shall respond in writing within 14 calendar days. If the issue is not resolved, the member may escalate the complaint to the next higher body — either from the Regional Board to the National Board or from the National Board to the Assembly. Each escalation must occur within fourteen calendar days of receiving a response from the lower body.
Conflicts between Regional Boards are submitted to the National Board, which shall convene a joint meeting with representatives from the involved Regional Boards within thirty calendar days. A decision shall be made by the National Board within fourteen calendar days after the meeting.
Conflicts between the National Board and a Regional Board are brought before the Assembly, and an extraordinary Assembly may be convened following procedures outlined in this Charter.
§ 48. Disciplinary Actions.
Disciplinary proceedings may be initiated in cases of violation of the Charter, failure to fulfill duties assigned by organizational bodies, or actions detrimental to the Organization's interests or reputation. The Regional or National Board initiating disciplinary action shall notify the member or Observer in writing, specifying the alleged violations, supporting evidence, and potential disciplinary measures.
The member or Observer has the right to be present at the hearing. The hearing shall be scheduled as soon as possible, with a notice provided at least 7 calendar days before the hearing. The hearing panel shall consist of all available members of the body initiating disciplinary action, excluding any who may have a conflict of interest.
During the hearing, the member or Observer may present evidence, call witnesses, and make statements. The body may also present evidence and call witnesses. A decision shall be made by a simple majority vote of the hearing panel members present, and the decision, along with the rationale, shall be communicated in writing within 7 calendar days after the hearing.
Possible disciplinary measures include reprimand or involuntary exclusion from the Organization.
The member or Observer may appeal the decision to the next higher body within 14 calendar days of receiving the decision. The appeal must be submitted in writing, stating the grounds for appeal. The higher body shall schedule a hearing within 30 calendar days, if other is not outlined in this Charter. The appeal hearing shall follow the same procedures.
§ 49. Right to become a member of other organizations.
The Organization has the right to participate in other organizations, both in Armenia and abroad (hereinafter referred to as External Organizations), in the capacity of a member or an observer.
The decision to apply for membership, observer status, or to withdraw from an External Organization is made by the National Board in accordance with the Organization's objectives and this Charter, except for decisions of exclusion, which are carried out by the decision of the governing and executive bodies of the External Organization.
§ 50. Condition for participation in other organizations.
Participation in External Organizations must align with the best interests of the Organization and should offer tangible benefits to the Organization and its members, including the advancement of its mission, international collaboration, and/or access to valuable resources.
The Organization is prohibited from participating in any organizations that promote discrimination, hatred, nationalism, fascism, neo-fascism, or any form of activity contrary to the principles and values of the Organization outlined in this Charter.
§ 51. Organizational property.
The Organization owns separate property and is liable for its obligations with this property. The Organization may have immovable and movable property, including buildings, structures, vehicles, equipment, cash, securities, and other property not prohibited by law.
The sources of formation of the Organization's property may include:
1) Contributions from members of the Organization;
2) Funds received from the entrepreneurial activities of the Organization;
3) Funds received from another commercial organization created by it or with its participation;
4) Funds received from the state budget;
5) Donations, including grants;
6) Other sources which are not prohibited by law.
§ 52. Use of Organizational property.
The funds of the Organization may be used to achieve the goals and objectives determined by the Charter. The property of the Organization, including the profit obtained from entrepreneurial activities, cannot be distributed among its members.
The National Board has the exclusive right to manage organizational property and may restrict the Regional Boards’ decision to use property of any type and size.
§ 53. Reorganization of the Organization.
The Organization may be reorganized by the decision of the Assembly or, in cases provided for by law, by a court decision in the manner prescribed by law.
§ 54. Liquidation of the Organization.
The Organization may be dissolved by the decision of the Assembly or by a court decision.
In case of dissolution by the decision of the Assembly, a unanimous consensus of the Assembly is required for the liquidation of the Organization.
§ 55. Process of liquidation of the Organization.
The Assembly establishes a Liquidation Commission and determines the procedure and terms of liquidation in accordance with the legislation. Upon the completion of the liquidation of the Organization, the Liquidation Commission, after making mandatory payments, uses the remaining property in the order determined by the decision of the Assembly to implement the statutory goals and objectives of the Organization, and if this is not possible, transfers it to the state budget.
1. The Symbol (logo) of the Organization.